Histórico sobre EMTr em Depressão e Transtorno Bipolar
Resumos de artigos sobre estimulação magnética transcraniana
: : A Estimulacao Magnetica Transcraniana repetitiva EMTr na depressao em adolescentes
Publicação: Australas Psychiatry. 2006 Mar;14(1):81-5.
Autor(es): Loo C, McFarquhar T, Walter G.
: : EMTr: alternativa no tratamento da depressão
Publicação: Noticias do CBrEMT - Centro Brasileiro de Estimulacao Magnetica Transcraniana
Autor(es): Roni Broder Cohen
: : Consideracoes Futuras sobre a EMTr
Publicação: Research fellow - Laboratory for Magnetic Brain Stimulation, Department of Neurology, Beth Israel De
Autor(es): Felipe Fregni e colaboradores
: : Estudos com Grande Evidencias Pró EMTr no Tratamento de Depressão
Publicação: Research fellow - Laboratory for Magnetic Brain Stimulation, Department of Neurology, Beth Israel De
Autor(es): Felipe Fregni e colaboradores
: : Eficácia da Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana Repetitiva (EMTr) em pacientes com doença de Parkinson e deprimidos
Publicação: Neurology. 2006, June; 66 (11):1629-1637
Autor(es): Felipe Fregni e colaboradores
: : O Cérebro Elétrico
Publicação: máteria publicada em Scientific American , ano2, no. 17, out. 2003
Autor(es): Scientific American Emissão Magnética Transcraniana (EMTr)
Publicação: IX Jornada Científica do HUB BRASÍLIA-DF, 19 A 22 DE SETEMBRO DE 2006
Autor(es): Fernanda Dias Weiler, Pedro Renato de Paula Brandão, Jairo de Barros Filho, Joaquim Pereira Brasil N
Publicação: IX Jornada Científica do HUB BRASÍLIA-DF, 19 A 22 DE SETEMBRO DE 2006
Autor(es): Jairo de Barros Filho, Fernanda Dias Weiler, Pedro Renato de Paula Brandão, Nasser Allam, Joaquim Pe
: : A EMTr lenta (estimulação magnética repetitiva de baixa freqüência) é capaz de inibir a atividade convulsiva?
Publicação: Epilepsia 2000 Feb;41(2):240-2
Autor(es): Menkes DL; Gruenthal M.
: : Estimulacao eletromagnetica
Publicação: eletromagnetoterapia
Autor(es): terapia eletromagnetica para depressao
: : estimulacao magnetica transcraniana repetitiva ou de repeticao
Publicação: EMTr ou rTMS
Autor(es): estimulacao magnetica transcraniana repetitiva
Publicação: 2007
Autor(es): EMTr
: : EMTr Estimulação magnética pode tratar doenças psíquicas como depressão
Publicação: Folha de Sao Paulo - Equilibrio - 11.01.2007
: : EMTr na Depressao
Publicação: ANVISA
Autor(es): Roni Cohen
: : Novas abordagens na terapia de Alzheimer com TMS
Publicação: http://www.alzheimer-forschung.de/web/aktuelles/index.htm?showid=1408&archivemode=
Autor(es): entrevista com o Dr. David Prvulovic
: : CBrEMT Trabalhos apresentados
Publicação: Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria vol.24 suppl.2 São Paulo Oct. 2002
Autor(es): Cohen, RB ; Leme, MAF; Gonçalves, L
: : Three and six-month outcome following courses of either ECT or rTMS in a population of severely depressed individuals-preliminary report
Publicação: Biological Psychiatry Volume: 51 Number: 8 Page: 687 -- 690
Autor(es): P.N. Dannon1; O.T. Dolberg ; S. Schreiber ; L. Grunhaus
: : The combined dexamethasone-CRH test before and after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in major depression
Publicação: : Psychoneuroendocrinology Volume: 28 Number: 3 Page: 376 -- 385
Autor(es): P. Zwanzger ; T.C. Baghai ; F. Padberg ; R. Ella ; C. Minov ; P. Mikhaiel ; C. Schule ; H. Thoma ; R
: : Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in Major Depression - Relation between Efficacy and Stimulation Intensity
Publicação: Neuropsychopharmacology Volume: 27 Number: 4 Page: 638 -- 645
Autor(es): ): F. Padberg1; P. Zwanzger ; M.E. Keck ; N. Kathmann ; P. Mikhaiel ; R. Ella ; P. Rupprecht ; H. Th
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): new tool, new therapy and new hope for ADHD
Publicação: Current Medical Research and Opinion Volume: 19 Number: 2 Page: 125 -- 130
Autor(es): Maria T. Acosta ; Fidias E. Leon-Sarmiento
: : Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Does it Have Potential in the Treatment of Depression?
Publicação: CNS Drugs Volume: 17 Number: 6 Page: 383 -- 403
Autor(es): Frank Padberg ; Hans-Jürgen Möller
: : Relation between responses to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and partial sleep deprivation in major depression
Publicação: : Journal of Psychiatric Research Volume: 36 Number: 3 Page: 131 -- 135
Autor(es): F. Padberg ; C. Schule ; P. Zwanzger ; T. Baghai ; R. Ella ; P. Mikhaiel ; H. Hampel ; H. Moller ; R
: : Left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment of depression in bipolar affective disorder: a pilot study of acute safety and efficacy
Publicação: Bipolar Disorders Volume: 5 Number: 1 Page: 40 -- 47
Autor(es): Ziad Nahas ; F Andrew Kozel ; Xingbao Li ; Berry Anderson ; Mark S George
: : Left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment of depression in bipolar affective disorder: a pilot study of acute safety and efficacy
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Ziad Nahasa, F Andrew Kozela,b, Xingbao Lia , Berry Andersona,b and Mark S Georgea
: : Induction of mania by rTMS: report of two cases
Publicação: Source: European Psychiatry Volume: 18 Number: 4 Page: 196 -- 198
Autor(es): ): P. Sakkas1; P. Mihalopoulou ; P. Mourtzouhou ; C. Psarros ; V. Masdrakis ; A. Politis ; G.N. Chri
: : Ethanol modulates cortical activity: direct evidence with combined TMS and EEG
Publicação: Neuroimage. 2001 Aug;14(2):322-8.
Autor(es): Kahkonen S, Kesaniemi M, Nikouline VV, Karhu J, Ollikainen M, Holi M, Ilmoniemi RJ.
: : Cortico-cortical connectivity of the human mid-dorsolateral frontal cortex and its modulation by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
Publicação: : European Journal of Neuroscience Volume: 14 Number: 8 Page: 1405 -- 1411
Autor(es): T. Paus ; M.A. Castro-Alamancos ; M. Petrides
: : Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Its Use in Clinical and Basic Neuropsychiatry
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Eduardo Gonçalves
: : Is it time to introduce repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation into standard clinical practice for the treatment of depressive disorders?
Publicação: Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2003 Feb;37(1):5-11; discussion 12-4.
Autor(es): Fitzgerald P.
: : Double-blind controlled investigation of bilateral prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of resistant major depression.
Publicação: Psychol Med. 2003 Jan;33(1):33-40. Comment in:Psychol Med. 2003 Jan;33(1):7-13.
Autor(es): Loo CK, Mitchell PB, Croker VM, Malhi GS, Wen W, Gandevia SC , Sachdev PS.
: : Left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment of depression in bipolar affective disorder: a pilot study of acute safety and efficacy.
Publicação: Bipolar Disord. 2003 Feb;5(1):40-7.
Autor(es): Nahas Z, Kozel FA, Li X, Anderson B, George MS.
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation : does it have potential in the treatment of depression?
Publicação: CNS Drugs. 2003;17(6):383-403.
Autor(es): Padberg F, Moller HJ.
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression.
Publicação: Am J Psychiatry. 2003 May;160(5):835-45.
Autor(es): Gershon AA, Dannon PN, Grunhaus L.
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is effective following repeated courses in the treatment of major depressive disorder-a case report.
Publicação: Hum Psychopharmacol. 2003 Jun;18(4):313-5.
Autor(es): Dannon PN, Grunhaus L. Chaim Sheba Medical Ctr, Psychiatry Ward, ECT-TMS Unit, Tel Hashomer 52621,
: : Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression: A review of the evidence.
Publicação: Nord J Psychiatry. 2003;57(3):227-32
Autor(es): Aarre TF, Dahl AA, Johansen JB, Kjonniksen I, Neckelmann D.
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of depression. Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Publicação: Br J Psychiatry. 2003 Jun;182:480-91.
Autor(es): Martin JL, Barbanoj MJ, Schlaepfer TE, Thompson E, Perez V, Kulisevsky J.
: : Neurocognitive effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in severe major depression.
Publicação: Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Jun;114(6):1125-32.
Autor(es): Martis B, Alam D, Dowd SM, Hill SK, Sharma RP, Rosen C, Pliskin N, Martin E, Carson V, Janicak PG.
: : Treatment-resistant depression: new therapies on the horizon.
Publicação: Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2003 Mar;15(1):59-70
Autor(es): Trivedi MH.
: : Effects of antidepressant pharmacotherapy after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in major depression: an open follow-up study.
Publicação: J Psychiatr Res. 2003 Mar-Apr;37(2):145-53
Autor(es): Schule C, Zwanzger P, Baghai T, Mikhaiel P, Thoma H, Moller HJ, Rupprecht R, Padberg F.
: : Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Of Brain Unleashes Creative Abilities
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Randall Parker
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Gershon AA, Dannon PN, Grunhaus L.
: : Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Mood Disorder: A Possible Alternative to ECT
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Gary Hasey, MD, FRCPC, MSc
Publicação: AUST NZJ PSYCHIATRY. 2003 FEB;37(1):5-11;DISCUSSION 12-4.
Autor(es): FITZGERALD P.
Publicação: Biol Psychiatry.2003 Feb 15;53(4):324-31.
Autor(es): Nahas Z, Kozel FA, Li x, Anderson B, Georg MS. Brain Stimulation Laboratory, Department of Psychiatr
Publicação: Bipolar Disord. 2003 Feb;5(1):40-7.
Autor(es): Grunhaus L, Schereiber S, Dolberg OT, Polak D, Dannon PN Psychiatry Division and the Transcranial M
Publicação: CNS Drugs. 2003;17(6):383-403.
Autor(es): Padberg F, Moller HJ. Department of Psychiatry, Ludwing-Maximilian University , Munich , Germany .
Publicação: Am J Psychiatry. 2003 May;160(5):835-45.
Autor(es): Gershon AA, Dannon PN, Grunhaus L. Psychiatry Division, Chaim Sheba medical Center, Tel Hashomer, I
Publicação: Clin Neurophysiol.2003 Jun;114(6):1125-32.
Autor(es): Martis B, Alam D, Dowd SM, Hill SK, Sharma RP, Rosen C, Pliskin N, Martin E, Carson V, Janicak PG.
Publicação: Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2003 Mar; 15(1):59-70
Autor(es): Trivedi MH.
Publicação: Schule C, Zwanzger P, Baghai T, Mikhaiel P, Thoma H, Moller HJ, Rupprecht R, Padberg F. Department o
Autor(es): J Psychiatr res. 2003 Mar-Apr;37(2):145-53
: : Study on the premotor-motor interaction in patients with Parkinson's disease using single, paired pulse and rTMS
Publicação: .
Autor(es): C. Buhmann, A. Weiss, K. Hinkelmann, J. Liepert, C. Weiller, H. R. Siebner, A. Münchau
: : Study on the effects of repeated premotor rTMS on premotor-motor interaction in healthy humans
Publicação: The present study is therefore designed to give insight into the nature of plastic changes in the pr
Autor(es): T. Bäumer, J. Liepert, C. Weiller, J.C. Rothwell, A. Münchau
: : Savant for a Day
Publicação: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/22/magazine/22SAVANT.html?pagewanted=all
: : Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Treat Parkinson Disease
Publicação: Journal Watch Neurology August 21, 2003
Autor(es): Felipe Fregni, MD, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone , MD , PhD
: : S046-001 Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Adult and Older Patients
Publicação: This presentation is part of : Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Elderly
Autor(es): Philip G. Janicak, Sheila M. Dowd, Dennis Beedle, Mary Jane Strong, and Danesh Alam. Psychiatry, Uni
: : S046-003 Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Quantitative EEG Analysis in Elderly and Younger Depressed Subjects
Publicação: This presentation is part of : Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Elderly
Autor(es): Gary Hasey, D MacCrimmon, M Criollo, G Abraham, S Lawson, K Saperson, A Pascual-Leone, and Russell J
: : Reductions in phenomenological, physiological and attentional indices of depressive mood after 2 Hz rTMS over the right parietal cortex in healthy human subjects
Publicação: Helmholtz Research Institute, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS, Utrecht, The Netherland
Autor(es): Jack van Honk , , , Dennis J.L.G. Schutter, Peter Putman, Edward H. F. De Haanand Alfredo A. L. d'A
: : Metabolic changes after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the left prefrontal cortex: a sham-controlled proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) study of healthy brain.
Publicação: Department of Psychiatry, University of Munster, FRG Department of Clinical Radiology, University of
Autor(es): Michael N, Gosling M, Reutemann M, Kersting A, Heindel W, Arolt V, Pfleiderer B.
: : Magnetic Stimulation May Be As Effective As Electroconvulsive Therapy In Treating Severe Depression
Publicação: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Illinois At Chicago .
Autor(es): .
: : Is it time to introduce repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation into standard clinical practice for the treatment of depressive disorders?
Publicação: Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2003 Feb;37(1):5-11; discussion 12-4
Autor(es): Fitzgerald P.
: : Double-blind controlled investigation of bilateral prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of resistant major depression.
Publicação: Psychol Med. 2003 Jan;33(1):33-40. Comment in: Psychol Med. 2003 Jan;33(1):7-13.
Autor(es): Loo CK, Mitchell PB, Croker VM, Malhi GS, Wen W, Gandevia SC , Sachdev PS.
: : Left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment of depression in bipolar affective disorder: a pilot study of acute safety and efficacy.
Publicação: Bipolar Disord. 2003 Feb;5(1):40-7
Autor(es): Nahas Z, Kozel FA, Li X, Anderson B, George MS.
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation : does it have potential in the treatment of depression?
Publicação: CNS Drugs. 2003;17(6):383-403
Autor(es): Padberg F, Moller HJ
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression.
Publicação: Am J Psychiatry. 2003 May;160(5):835-45
Autor(es): Gershon AA, Dannon PN, Grunhaus L.
: : Add-on rTMS for treatment of depression: a pilot study using stereotaxic coil-navigation according to PET data.
Publicação: J Psychiatr Res. 2003 Jul-Aug;37(4):267-75
Autor(es): Herwig U, Lampe Y, Juengling FD, Wunderlich A, Walter H, Spitzer M, Schonfeldt-Lecuona C.
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is effective following repeated courses in the treatment of major depressive disorder-a case report.
Publicação: Hum Psychopharmacol. 2003 Jun;18(4):313-5
Autor(es): Dannon PN, Grunhaus L.
: : Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression: A review of the evidence
Publicação: Nord J Psychiatry. 2003;57(3):227-32
Autor(es): Aarre TF, Dahl AA, Johansen JB, Kjonniksen I, Neckelmann D
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of depression. Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Publicação: Br J Psychiatry. 2003 Jun;182:480-91
Autor(es): Martin JL, Barbanoj MJ, Schlaepfer TE, Thompson E, Perez V, Kulisevsky J.
: : Neurocognitive effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in severe
Publicação: Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Jun;114(6):1125-32
Autor(es): Martis B, Alam D, Dowd SM, Hill SK, Sharma RP, Rosen C, Pliskin N, Martin E, Carson V, Janicak PG.
: : Treatment-resistant depression: new therapies on the horizon
Publicação: Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2003 Mar;15(1):59-70.
Autor(es): Trivedi MH
: : Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Depression
Publicação: J Psychiatr Res. 2003 Mar-Apr;37(2):145-53.
Autor(es): Ivan Goldberg, M.D
: : S046-002 Double-Blind Crossover Study of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease with Depression
Publicação: This presentation is part of : Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Elderly
Autor(es): Charles M. Epstein, Neurology, Neurology, Emory University , Atlanta , GA , USA
: : Estimulación transcraneal magnética en trastornos depresivos.
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Gabriel Savi
: : Estimulação magnética transcraniana na depressão
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Moacyr Alexandro Rosa, Marco Antônio Marcolin, Saxby Pridmore
: : Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation versus Electroconvulsive Therapy for Major Depression: Preliminary Results of a Randomized Trial
Publicação: Society of Biological Psychiatry
Autor(es): Philip G. Janicak, Sheila M. Dowd, Brian Martis, Danesh Alam, Dennis Beedle, Jack Krasuski, Mary Jan
: : Is it time to introduce repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation into standard clinical practice for the treatment of depressive disorders?
Publicação: Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2003 Feb;37(1):5-11; discussion 12-4.
Autor(es): Fitzgerald P
: : Double-blind controlled investigation of bilateral prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of resistant major depression.
Publicação: Psychol Med. 2003 Jan;33(1):33-40.
Autor(es): Loo CK, Mitchell PB, Croker VM, Malhi GS, Wen W, Gandevia SC , Sachdev PS.
: : A randomized controlled comparison of electroconvulsive therapy and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in severe and resistant nonpsychotic major depression.
Publicação: Biol Psychiatry. 2003 Feb 15;53(4):324-31
Autor(es): Grunhaus L, Schreiber S, Dolberg OT, Polak D, Dannon PN
: : Left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment of depression in bipolar affective disorder: a pilot study of acute safety and efficacy
Publicação: Bipolar Disord. 2003 Feb;5(1):40-7
Autor(es): Nahas Z, Kozel FA, Li X, Anderson B, George MS
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation : does it have potential in the treatment of depression?
Publicação: CNS Drugs. 2003;17(6):383-403.
Autor(es): Padberg F, Moller HJ.
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression.
Publicação: Am J Psychiatry. 2003 May;160(5):835-45
Autor(es): Gershon AA, Dannon PN, Grunhaus L.
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is effective following repeated courses in the treatment of major depressive disorder-a case report
Publicação: Hum Psychopharmacol. 2003 Jun;18(4):313-5.
Autor(es): Dannon PN, Grunhaus
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is effective following repeated courses in the treatment of major depressive disorder-a case report
Publicação: Hum Psychopharmacol. 2003 Jun;18(4):313-5.
Autor(es): Dannon PN, Grunhaus
: : Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression: A review of the evidence.
Publicação: Nord J Psychiatry. 2003;57(3):227-32
Autor(es): Aarre TF, Dahl AA, Johansen JB, Kjonniksen I, Neckelmann D
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of depression. Systematic review and meta-analysis..
Publicação: Br J Psychiatry. 2003 Jun;182:480-91
Autor(es): Martin JL, Barbanoj MJ, Schlaepfer TE, Thompson E, Perez V, Kulisevsky J.
: : Neurocognitive effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in severe Major depression
Publicação: Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Jun;114(6):1125-32.
Autor(es): Martis B, Alam D, Dowd SM, Hill SK, Sharma RP, Rosen C, Pliskin N, Martin E,Carson V, Janicak PG.
: : Treatment-resistant depression: new therapies on the horizon.
Publicação: Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2003 Mar;15(1):59-70.
Autor(es): Trivedi MH
: : ARTIGO TRADUZIDO Efeitos da Farmacoterapia antidepressiva seguida da Estimulaçao magnética Transcraniana repetitiva EMTr na Depressão maior: um estudo aberto prospectivo
Publicação: J Psychiatr Res. 2003 Mar-Apr;37(2):145-53.
Autor(es): Schule C, Zwanzger P, Baghai T, Mikhaiel P, Thoma H, Moller HJ, Rupprecht R,
: : Effects of antidepressant pharmacotherapy after repetitive transcranial magnetic
Publicação: : J Psychiatr Res. 2003 Mar-Apr;37(2):145-53.
Autor(es): Schule C, Zwanzger P, Baghai T, Mikhaiel P, Thoma H, Moller HJ, Rupprecht R,
: : A transcranial magnetic stimulation study of abnormal cortical inhibition in schizophrenia
Publicação: Psychiatry Research 118 (2003) 197 207
Autor(es): Paul B. Fitzgerald , Timothy L. Brown , Natasha A.U. Marston , Tom J. Oxley ,
: : Left temporoparietal transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment-resistant schizophrenia with verbal hallucinations
Publicação: Psychiatry Research 120 (2003) 107–109
Autor(es): Nicolas Franck* , Emmanuel Poulet, Jean-Louis Terra, Jean Dalery, Thierry d'Amato
: : Gender differences in the effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic
Publicação: Psychiatry Research 120 (2003) 103–105
Autor(es): Thomas J. Huber *, Udo Schneider , Jens Rollnik
: : Left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment of depression in bipolar affective disorder: a pilot study of acute safety and efficacy.
Publicação: Bipolar Disord. 2003 Feb;5(1):40-7.
Autor(es): Nahas Z, Kozel FA, Li X, Anderson B, George MS. Brain Stimulation Laboratory, Department of Psychiat
: : Right prefrontal TMS versus sham treatment of mania: a controlled study
Publicação: Bipolar Disord. 2003 Feb;5(1):36-9.
Autor(es): Kaptsan A, Yaroslavsky Y, Applebaum J, Belmaker RH, Grisaru N. Faculty of Health Sciences, Stanley R
: : Methylphenidate and intracortical excitability: opposite effects in healthy subjects and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Publicação: Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2003 Jan;107(1):69-72.
Autor(es): Moll GH, Heinrich H, Rothenberger A.
: : Plasma Concentrations of Neuroactive Steroids before and after Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in Major Depression
Publicação: Neuropsychopharmacology (2002) 27 874-878.10.1038/S0893-133X(02)00355-X
Autor(es): Frank Padberg1 MD, Flavia di Michele2 MD, Peter Zwanzger1 MD, Elena Romeo2,3 MD, Giorgio Bernardi2,3
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression and other psychiatric disorders.
Publicação: Psychol Med. 2001 Oct;31(7):1141-6. Comment in: Evid Based Ment Health. 2002 May;5(2):48.
Autor(es): McNamara B, Ray JL, Arthurs OJ, Boniface S.
Autor(es): Cohen, Roni Broder (1); Landi, Alina (2)
Autor(es): Cohen, Roni Broder (1,2) ; Frasson Leme, M Antonietta (1)
Autor(es): Cohen, Roni Broder (1) ; Gonçalves, Lilian (2) ; Pitliuk, Rubens (3)
Autor(es): Cohen, Roni Broder (1,2) ; Cividanes, Giuliana (2)
: : Monitoring the response to rTMS in depression with visual analog scales.
Publicação: Hum Psychopharmacol. 2002 Oct;17(7):349-52.
Autor(es): Grunhaus L, Dolberg OT, Polak D, Dannon PN.
: : Lack of a therapeutic effect of a 2-week sub-threshold transcranial magnetic stimulation course for treatment-resistant depression.
Publicação: Psychiatry Res. 2002 Dec 30;113(3):245-54.
Autor(es): Boutros NN, Gueorguieva R, Hoffman RE, Oren DA, Feingold A, Berman RM.
Publicação: Hum Psychopharmacol.2002 Oct;17(7):349-52.
Autor(es): Grunhaus L, Dolberg OT, Polak D, Dannon PN. Psychiatry Division, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer,
: : Monitoring the response to rTMS in depression with visual analog scales
Publicação: Hum Psychopharmacol. 2002 Oct;17(7):349-52.
Autor(es): Grunhaus L, Dolberg OT, Polak D, Dannon PN.
: : Lack of a therapeutic effect of a 2-week sub-threshold transcranial magnetic stimulation course for treatment-resistant depression.
Publicação: Psychiatry Res. 2002 Dec 30;113(3):245-54
Autor(es): Boutros NN, Gueorguieva R, Hoffman RE, Oren DA, Feingold A, Berman RM
: : Monitoring the response to rTMS in depression with visual analog scales
Publicação: Hum Psychopharmacol. 2002 Oct;17(7):349-52.
Autor(es): Grunhaus L, Dolberg OT, Polak D, Dannon PN.
: : Lack of a therapeutic effect of a 2-week sub-threshold transcranial magnetic stimulation course for treatment-resistant depression.
Publicação: Psychiatry Res. 2002 Dec 30;113(3):245-54
Autor(es): Boutros NN, Gueorguieva R, Hoffman RE, Oren DA, Feingold A, Berman RM.
: : Applications of TMS to therapy in psychiatry
Publicação: J Clin Neurophysiol. 2002 Aug;19(4):344-60.
Autor(es): Lisanby SH, Kinnunen LH, Crupain MJ. - Department of Biological Psychiatry, New York State Psychiat
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in child and adolescent psychiatry: excitability of the motor system in tic disorders and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorders
Publicação: Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr Psychother. 2001 Nov;29(4):312-23.
Autor(es): Moll GH, Heinrich H, Rothenberger A.
: : Localization of diaphragm motor cortical representation and determination of corticodiaphragmatic latencies by using magnetic stimulation in normal adult human subjects.
Publicação: Eur J Appl Physiol. 2001 Oct;85(6):560-6.
Autor(es): Khedr EM, Trakhan MN.
: : Functional cerebral asymmetry in affective disorders: new facts contributed by transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Publicação: J Affect Disord. 2001 Oct;66(2-3):103-9.
Autor(es): Garcia-Toro M, Montes JM, Talavera JA.
: : Brain effects of TMS delivered over prefrontal cortex in depressed adults: role of stimulation frequency and coil-cortex distance.
Publicação: J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2001 Fall;13(4):459-70.
Autor(es): Nahas Z, Teneback CC, Kozel A, Speer AM, DeBrux C, Molloy M, Stallings L, Spicer KM, Arana G, Bohnin
Autor(es): Cohen, Roni Broder (1) ; Leme, Maria Antonietta Frasson (1); Maeda, Fumiko (2) ; Pascual-Leone,
Publicação: Resumo - Poster apresentado no XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Psiquiatria - 2001
Autor(es): Cohen, Roni Broder (1) ; Leme, Maria Antonietta Frasson (1); Maeda, Fumiko (2) ; Pascual-Leone,
: : A meta-analysis of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression.
Publicação: Psychopharmacol Bull. 2001 Autumn;35(4):149-69.
Autor(es): Holtzheimer PE 3rd, Russo J, Avery DH.
: : REVISÃO DE LITERATURA - Estimulação magnética transcraniana: uma nova ferramenta para o tratamento da depressão?
Publicação: Rev. Psiq. Clín. 28 (5):253-265, 2001
Autor(es): Fregni, F.; Pascual-Leone
: : Terapia eletroconvulsiva e estimulação eletromagnética transcraniana de repetição em um paciente com transtorno esquizo-afetivo resistente a tratamento
Publicação: Depression and Anxiety 13: 103-4, 2001
Autor(es): Rollnik J.D., Seifert J., Huber T.J., Becker H., Panning B., Schneider U., Emrich H.M. - Comentado
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of mood disorder: a review and comparison with electroconvulsive therapy.
Publicação: Can J Psychiatry. 2001 Oct;46(8):720-7.
Autor(es): Hasey G. - Regional Mood Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry, McMaster University, Hamilton
: : Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation And Its Effectiveness In Affective Disorders
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Thomas AM Kramer, MD
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation applications and potential use in chronic pain: studies in waiting [In Process Citation]
Publicação: J Neurol Sci 2000 Dec 15;182(1):1-4
Autor(es): Pridmore S; Oberoi G
: : Substitution of rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation treatments for electroconvulsive therapy treatments in a course of electroconvulsive therapy.[In Process Citation]
Publicação: Depress Anxiety 2000;12(3):118-23
Autor(es): Pridmore S
: : Opposite effects of high and low frequency rTMS on regional brain activity in depressed patients [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Biol Psychiatry 2000 Dec 15;48(12):1133-41
Autor(es): Speer AM; Kimbrell TA; Wassermann EM; D Repella J; Willis MW; Herscovitch P; Post RM
: : Plasticidad cortical y restauracion de funciones neurologicas: una actualizacion sobre el tema.
Publicação: Rev Neurol 2000 Oct 16-31;31(8):749-56
Autor(es): Gomez-Fernandez L
: : Regional cerebral blood flow changes in drug-resistant depressed patients following treatment with transcranial magnetic stimulation: a statistical parametric mapping analysis [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Psychiatry Res 2000 Dec 4;100(2):75-80
Autor(es): Zheng XM
: : Short-term motor improvement after sub-threshold 5-Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the primary motor hand area in Parkinson's disease [In Process Citation]
Publicação: J Neurol Sci 2000 Sep 15;178(2):91-4
Autor(es): Siebner HR; Rossmeier C; Mentschel C; Peinemann A; Conrad B
: : Structural and functional neuroimaging of electroconvulsive therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation.[In Process Citation]
Publicação: Depress Anxiety 2000;12(3):144-56
Autor(es): Nobler MS; Teneback CC; Nahas Z; Bohning DE; Shastri A; Kozel FA; George MS
: : Opposite effects of high and low frequency rTMS on regional brain activity in depressed patients [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Biol Psychiatry 2000 Dec 15;48(12):1133-41
Autor(es): Speer AM; Kimbrell TA; Wassermann EM; D Repella J; Willis MW; Herscovitch P; Post RM
: : Physiological effects of electroconvulsive therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation in major depression.[In Process Citation]
Publicação: Depress Anxiety 2000;12(3):170-7
Autor(es): Szuba MP; O'Reardon JP; Evans DL
: : Modulation of corticospinal excitability by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Publicação: Clin Neurophysiol 2000 May;111(5):800-5
Autor(es): Maeda F; Keenan JP; Tormos JM; Topka H; Pascual-Leone A
: : Neuroanatomically based approaches to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neurosurgery and transcranial magnetic stimulation [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Psychiatr Clin North Am 2000 Sep;23(3):671-86, xii
Autor(es): Greenberg BD; Murphy DL; Rasmussen SA
: : Interindividual variability of the modulatory effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cortical excitability [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Exp Brain Res 2000 Aug;133(4):425-30
Autor(es): Maeda F; Keenan JP; Tormos JM; Topka H; Pascual-Leone A
: : Left prefrontal activation predicts therapeutic effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in major depression [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Psychiatry Res 2000 Oct 30;99(3):161-72
Autor(es): Eschweiler GW; Wegerer C; Schlotter W; Spandl C; Stevens A; Bartels M; Buchkremer G
: : Functional neuroimaging: enhanced understanding of migraine pathophysiology [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Neurology 2000;55(9 Suppl 2):S36-45
Autor(es): Cutrer FM; O'Donnell A; del Rio MS
: : Interhemispheric asymmetry of motor cortical excitability in major depression as measured by transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Publicação: Br J Psychiatry 2000 Aug;177:169-73
Autor(es): Maeda F; Keenan JP; Pascual-Leone A
: : Exploration of motor cortex excitability in a diabetic patient with hemiballism-hemichorea [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Mov Disord 2000 Sep;15(5):1000-5
Autor(es): Ziemann U; Koc J; Reimers CD; Finkenstaedt M; Paulus W
: : Electroencephalogram and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.[In Process Citation]
Publicação: Depress Anxiety 2000;12(3):166-9
Autor(es): Boutros NN; Berman RM; Hoffman R; Miano AP; Campbell D; Ilmoniemi R
: : Electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of neuropsychiatric conditions and transcranial magnetic stimulation as a pathophysiological probe in neuropsychiatry.[In Process Citation]
Publicação: Depress Anxiety 2000;12(3):135-43
Autor(es): McDonald WM; Greenberg BD
: : EEG effects of ECT: implications for rTMS.[In Process Citation]
Publicação: Depress Anxiety 2000;12(3):157-65
Autor(es): Krystal AD; West M; Prado R; Greenside H; Zoldi S; Weiner RD
: : Central conduction time of magnetic brain stimulation in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder [In Process Citation]
Publicação: J Child Neurol 2000 Nov;15(11):723-8
Autor(es): Ucles P; Serrano JL; Rosa F
: : A window into the role of inhibitory and excitatory mechanisms of perception?
Publicação: J Physiol 2000 Dec 1;529(Pt 2):283
Autor(es): Cohen LGA
: : A controlled trial of daily left prefrontal cortex TMS for treating depression [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Biol Psychiatry 2000 Nov 15;48(10):962-70
Autor(es): George MS; Nahas Z; Molloy M; Speer AM; Oliver NC; Li X; Arana GW; Risch SC; Ballenger JC
: : Left prefrontal activation predicts therapeutic effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in major depression.
Publicação: Psychiatry Res 2000 Oct 30;99(3):161-172[Record as supplied by publisher]
Autor(es): Eschweiler GW; Wegerer C; Schlotter W; Spandl C; Stevens A; Bartels M; Buchkremer G
: : Interindividual variability of the modulatory effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cortical excitability [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Exp Brain Res 2000 Aug;133(4):425-30 [MEDLINE record in process]
Autor(es): Maeda F; Keenan JP; Tormos JM; Topka H; Pascual-Leone A
: : Interhemispheric asymmetry of motor cortical excitability in major depression as measured by transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Publicação: Br J Psychiatry 2000 Aug;177:169-73
Autor(es): Maeda F; Keenan JP; Pascual-Leone A
: : How coil-cortex distance relates to age, motor threshold, and antidepressant response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Publicação: J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2000 Summer;12(3):376-84
Autor(es): Kozel FA; Nahas Z; deBrux C; Molloy M; Lorberbaum JP; Bohning D; Risch SC; George MS
: : Hemifacial spasm or somatoform disorder--postexcitatory inhibition after transcranial magnetic cortical stimulation as a diagnostic tool [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Acta Neurol Scand 2000 May;101(5):305-10 [MEDLINE record in process]
Autor(es): Kotterba S; Tegenthoff M; Malin JP
: : Excitability changes induced in the human motor cortex by weak transcranial direct current stimulation [In Process Citation]
Publicação: J Physiol 2000 Sep 15; 527 Pt 3:633-9 [MEDLINE record in process]
Autor(es): Nitsche MA; Paulus W
: : Effects of chronic levodopa and pergolide treatment on cortical excitability in patients with Parkinson's disease: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study.
Publicação: Clin Neurophysiol 2000 Jul;111(7):1198-202
Autor(es): Strafella AP; Valzania F; Nassetti SA; Tropeani A; Bisulli A; Santangelo M; Tassinari CA
: : Current orientation induced by magnetic stimulation influences a cognitive task [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Neuroreport 2000 Sep 28;11(14):3257-9[MEDLINE record in process]
Autor(es): Hill AC; Davey NJ; Kennard C
: : Cortical silent period following transcranial magnetic stimulation in epileptic patients [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Ertas NK; Gul G; Altunhalka A; Kirbas D
Autor(es): Ertas NK; Gul G; Altunhalka A; Kirbas D
: : Chronic repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation induces subsensitivity of presynaptic serotonergic autoreceptor activity in rat brain [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Neuroreport 2000 Sep 11;11(13):2925-9[MEDLINE record in process]
Autor(es): Gur E; Lerer B; Dremencov E; Newman ME
: : Modulation of the neuronal circuitry subserving working memory in healthy human subjects by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Publicação: Neurosci Lett 2000 Feb 25;280(3):167-70
Autor(es): Mottaghy FM; Krause BJ; Kemna LJ; Topper R; Tellmann L; Beu M; Pascual-Leone A; Muller-Gartner HW
: : Induction of plasticity in the human motor cortex by paired associative stimulation.
Publicação: Brain 2000 Mar; 123 Pt 3:572-84
Autor(es): Stefan K; Kunesch E; Cohen LG; Benecke R; Classen J
: : Magnetoelectric brain stimulation in the assessment of brain physiology and pathophysiology [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Clin Neurophysiol 2000 Mar;111(3):504-12 [MEDLINE record in process]
Autor(es): Boylan LS; Sackeim HA
: : Coil design for real and sham transcranial magnetic stimulation [In Process Citation]
Publicação: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2000 Feb;47(2):145-8 [MEDLINE record in process]
Autor(es): Ruohonen J; Ollikainen M; Nikouline V; Virtanen J; Ilmoniemi RJ
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation and other evoked potentials in pediatric multiple sclerosis [In Process Citation]
Publicação: Pediatr Neurol 2000 Feb;22(2):136-8 [MEDLINE record in process]
Autor(es): Dan B; Christiaens F; Christophe C; Dachy B
: : Subthreshold prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces motor cortex excitability.
Publicação: Muscle Nerve 2000 Jan;23(1):112-4
Autor(es): Rollnik JD; Schubert M; Dengler R
: : Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex in writer's cramp.
Publicação: Neurology 1999 Feb;52(3):529-37
Autor(es): Siebner HR; Tormos JM; Ceballos-Baumann AO; Auer C; Catala MD; Conrad B; Pascual-Leone A
: : Quality Adjusted Life Years in Older Adults With Depressive Symptoms and Chronic Medical Disorders
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Jürgen Unützer, Donald L. Patrick, Paula Diehr, Greg Simon, David Grembowski, and Wayne Katon
: : Rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation and normalization of the dexamethasone suppression test.
Publicação: Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1999 Feb;53(1):33-7
Autor(es): Pridmore S
: : Improvement in Parkinsonian symptoms after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Publicação: J Neurol Sci 1999 Jan 15;162(2):179-84
Autor(es): Mally J; Stone TW
: : Chaos theories and therapeutic commonalities among depression, Parkinson's disease, and cardiac arrhythmias.
Publicação: Compr Psychiatry 1999 May-Jun;40(3):238-44
Autor(es): Toro MG; Ruiz JS; Talavera JA; Blanco C
: : Right frontal lobe slow frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (SF r-TMS) is an effective treatment for depression: a case-control pilot study of safety and efficacy.
Publicação: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999 Jul;67(1):113-5
Autor(es): Menkes DL; Bodnar P; Ballesteros RA; Swenson MR
: : Electrical stimulation of rat medial prefrontal cortex enhances forebrain serotonin output: implications for electroconvulsive therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression.
Publicação: Neuropsychopharmacology 1999 Sep;21(3):391-8
Autor(es): Juckel G; Mendlin A; Jacobs BL
: : Therapeutic and
Publicação: J Neurosci Res 1999 Sep 15;57(6):935-40
Autor(es): Mally J; Stone TW
: : [Transcranial magnetic stimulation in neurotic depression]
Publicação: Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova 1999;99(10):26-9
Autor(es): Stikhina NIa; Lyskov EB; Lomarev MP; Aleksanian ZA; Mikhailov VO; Medvedev SV
: : Changes in prefrontal cortex and paralimbic activity in depression following two weeks of daily left prefrontal TMS.
Publicação: J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 1999 Fall;11(4):426-35
Autor(es): Teneback CC; Nahas Z; Speer AM; Molloy M; Stallings LE; Spicer KM; Risch SC; George MS
: : Sleep and rTMS. Investigating the link between transcranial magnetic stimulation, sleep, and depression.
Publicação: Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl 1999;51:315-21
Autor(es): Hajak G; Cohrs S; Tergau F; Ziemann U; Paulus W; Ruther E
: : Update on psychotropic medication used concurrently with transcranial magnetic stimulation
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Yvonne Turnier-Shea1, Marzena Rybak1, Phil Reid1, Saxby Pridmore1,2
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of psychiatric disorders.
Publicação: Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1999 Oct;53(5):541-8
Autor(es): Pridmore S; Belmaker R
: : Reduced cortical excitability in depression. Impaired post-exercise motor facilitation with transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Publicação: Br J Psychiatry 1999 May;174:449-54
Autor(es): Shajahan PM; Glabus MF; Gooding PA; Shah PJ; Ebmeier KP
: : TREATMENT-RESISTANT DEPRESSION: Results of Latest Electromagnetic Stimulation Study Show Promise
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Autor(es): .
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in pharmacotherapy-refractory major depression: comparative study of fast, slow and sham rTMS.
Publicação: Psychiatry Res 1999 Nov 29;88(3):163-71
Autor(es): Padberg F; Zwanzger P; Thoma H; Kathmann N; Haag C; Greenberg BD; Hampel H; Moller HJ
: : TREATMENT-RESISTANT DEPRESSION: Results of Latest Electromagnetic Stimulation Study Show Promise
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Autor(es): .
: : [Poster Session III: Basic Neuropharmacology; Clinical Neuropharmacology; Clinical Neurophysiology][3.117] Cortical Excitability In Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsies: A Polygraphic And Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study
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Autor(es): Franco Valzania, Antonio Strafella, Andrea Tropeani, Stefania Nassetti, Guido Rubboli, Carlo A. Tass
: : [Are convulsions necessary for the antidepressive effect of electroconvulsive therapy: outcome of repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation]
Publicação: Encephale 1997 Jun;23 Spec No 3:27-35
Autor(es): Post RM; Kimbrell TA; McCann U; Dunn RT; George MS; Weiss SR
: : Neurophysiological Invetigation Of Epileptic Seizures In Man By Combined Use Of Stretch And H Reflex And Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Carlo A. Tassinari, Franco Valzania, Roberto Michelucci, Guido Rubboli, Francesca Pastorelli, Anna Z
: : Neuromagnetic Stimulation at Selected Spinal Levels Can Significantly Influence Endocrine Function
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Autor(es): Paul J. Maccabee, R. Atluri, D. Jagoo, J.A. Willer, A.B. Ahad, A.Z. Szabo, H.G. Durkin, M. Nowakowsk
: : Low Freqency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Can Reduce Action Myoclonus
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Autor(es): Felix R. Wedegaertner, Marjorie A. Garvey, Leonardo G. Cohen, Mark Hallett, Eric M. Wassermann
: : Depression in Parkinson's disease. Pharmacological characteristics and treatment.
Publicação: Drugs Aging 1998 Jan;12(1):55-74
Autor(es): Tom T; Cummings JL
: : Local and Distant Changes in Cerebral Glucose Metabolism During Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)
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Autor(es): Eric M. Wassermann, Timothy A. Kimbrell, Mark S. George, Amy L. Danielson, Peter Herscovitch, Mark H
: : Improved Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in a Routine Clinical Setting
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Johannes C. WSS. Adohrle, Konstantinos Spengos, Wolfgang Steinke, Michael Hennerici
: : Preliminary evidence for a beneficial effect of low-frequency, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with major depression and schizophrenia.
Publicação: Depress Anxiety 1998;7(2):65-8
Autor(es): Feinsod M; Kreinin B; Chistyakov A; Klein E
: : Effects of Task and Persistence on Responses to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
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Autor(es): Sanjay Yathiraj, William J. Triggs, Michael S. Young, Fabian Rossi
: : Effects of Stimulation of the Globus Pallidus Internus (GPi) in Parkinson's Disease (PD) on Cortico-Spinal Excitability
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Jose Maria Tormos, Juan Luis Barcia, Maria Dolores Catala, Alvaro Pascual-Leone
: : Diaphragm Strength in ALS Assessed by Magnetic Stimulation of the Phrenic Nerve Roots
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Gary Mills, Michael I. Polkey, Catherine Lloyd, Malcolm Green, John Moxham, P.N. Leigh
: : Deficient Motor Cortex Inhibition in Tourette Syndrome. Evidence from Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Ulf Ziemann, Walter Paulus, Aribert Rothenberger
: : Comparison of unlimited numbers of rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and ECT treatment sessions in major depressive episode
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Saxby Pridmore'I', Raimondo Bruno3, Yvonne Turnier-Shea', Phil Reid' and Mazena Rybak'
: : Comparison of Language Localization By Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) And Direct Cortical Stimulation In Patients With Partial Epilepsy
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Autor(es): Tohru Hoshida, Kazuo Goda, Tetsuya Morimoto, and Toshisuke Sakaki Department of Neurosurgery, Nara M
: : Magnetic stimulation of the brain in animal depression models responsive to ECS.
Publicação: J ECT 1998 Sep;14(3):194-205
Autor(es): Belmaker RH; Grisaru N
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in mania: a controlled study.
Publicação: Am J Psychiatry 1998 Nov;155(11):1608-10
Autor(es): Grisaru N; Chudakov B; Yaroslavsky Y; Belmaker RH
: : Comparison of fMRI and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Localization of Motor Cortex.
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Autor(es): Richard Macdonell, Graeme Jackson, Samuel Berkovic
: : Comparative Evaluation of Pyramidal Tract by MRI and Magnetic Stimulation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS)
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Autor(es): Sylvie Trefouret, Jean-Philippe Azulay, Paule Peretti, Jean Pouget
: : Changes in Motor Cortical Representation After Stroke: Correlations Between Clinical Observations and Magnetic Stimulation Mapping Studies
Publicação: Thursday April 17 3:00 pm / Exhibit Hall A
Autor(es): Eric P. Bastings, David C. Good
: : Interconnections between cortical areas revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Publicação: Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl 1999;50:129-32
Autor(es): Cracco RQ; Amassian VE; Maccabee PJ; Cracco JB
: : High-rate transcranial magnetic stimulation: influence on short-term-memory, heart rate and blood pressure changes.
Publicação: Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl 1999;50:408-12
Autor(es): Claus D; Foerster A; Schmitz JM; Bochannek T; Nouri S
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression
Publicação: Brain Res 1999 Jan 16;816(1):78-83
Autor(es): Ben-Shachar D; Gazawi H; Riboyad-Levin J; Klein E
: : Safety and feasibility of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of anxious depression in pregnancy: a case report.
Publicação: J Clin Psychiatry 1999 Jan;60(1):50-2
Autor(es): Nahas Z; Bohning DE; Molloy MA; Oustz JA; Risch SC; George MS
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation as a neuropsychiatric tool: present status and future potential.
Publicação: J ECT 1999 Mar;15(1):39-59
Autor(es): Post RM; Kimbrell TA; McCann UD; Dunn RT; Osuch EA; Speer AM; Weiss SR
: : Effects of left frontal transcranial magnetic stimulation on depressed mood, cognition, and corticomotor threshold.
Publicação: Biol Psychiatry 1999 Jun 1;45(11):1440-6
Autor(es): Triggs WJ; McCoy KJ; Greer R; Rossi F; Bowers D; Kortenkamp S; Nadeau SE; Heilman KM; Goodman WK
: : Opposite effects of high and low frequency rTMS on regional brain activity in depressed patients.
Publicação: Biol Psychiatry. 2000 Dec 15;48(12):1133-41.
Autor(es): Speer AM, Kimbrell TA, Wassermann EM, D Repella J, Willis MW, Herscovitch P, Post RM.
: : Opposite effects of high and low frequency rTMS on regional brain activity in depressed patients
Publicação: .
Autor(es): Andrew M. Speer , a, Timothy A. Kimbrelld, Eric M. Wassermannb, Jennifer D. Repellaa, Mark W. Willis
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation and auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia
Publicação: THE LANCET • Vol 355 • March 25, 2000 1073
Autor(es): Ralph E Hoffman, Nashaat N Boutros, Sylvia Hu,
: : Deficient intracortical inhibition in drug-naive children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is enhanced by methylphenidate
Publicação: Neurosci Lett. 2000 Apr 21;284(1-2):121-5.
Autor(es): Moll GH, Heinrich H, Trott G, Wirth S, Rothenberger A.
: : Vagus nerve stimulation: a new tool for brain research and therapy [see comments]
Publicação: Biol Psychiatry 2000 Feb 15;47(4):287-95
Autor(es): George MS; Sackeim HA; Rush AJ; Marangell LB; Nahas Z; Husain MM; Lisanby S; Burt T; Goldman J; Ball
: : Lasting cortical activation after repetitive TMS of the motor cortex: a glucose metabolic study.
Publicação: Neurology 2000 Feb 22;54(4):956-63
Autor(es): Siebner HR; Peller M; Willoch F; Minoshima S; Boecker H; Auer C; Drzezga A; Conrad B; Bartenstein P
: : Slow-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in a patient with focal cortical dysplasia.
Publicação: Epilepsia 2000 Feb;41(2):240-2
Autor(es): Menkes DL; Gruenthal M
: : Estimulação magnética cortical em pacientes com incontinência urinária de esforço genuína: correlação com resultados de exercício para o assoalho pélvico
Publicação: Neurourol Urodynam, 18: 437-445, 1999
Autor(es): Gunnarsson M, Ahlman S, Lindstrom S, Rosen I, Mattiasson A
: : Improvement of Depression Following Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
Publicação: Curr Psychiatry Rep 1999 Dec;1(2):114-124
Autor(es): George MS; Nahas Z; Kozel FA; Goldman J; Molloy M; Oliver N
: : Cerebral function revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulation
Publicação: J Neurosci Methods 1999 Jan;86(2):209-19
Autor(es): Cracco RQ; Cracco JB; Maccabee PJ; Amassian VE
: : Chronic repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation alters beta-adrenergic and 5-HT2 receptor characteristics in rat brain.
Publicação: Brain Res 1999 Jan 16;816(1):78-83
Autor(es): Ben-Shachar D; Gazawi H; Riboyad-Levin J; Klein E
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of medication-resistant depression: preliminary data.
Publicação: J Nerv Ment Dis 1999 Feb;187(2):114-7
Autor(es): Avery DH; Claypoole K; Robinson L; Neumaier JF; Dunner DL; Scheele L; Wilson L; Roy-Byrne P
: : Study of central motor functions using magnetic stimulation in Parkinson's disease.
Publicação: Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 1999 Mar;39(2):101-5
Autor(es): Dioszeghy P; Hidasi E; Mechler F
: : Yawning and stretching induced by transcranial application of AC pulsed electromagnetic fields in Parkinson's disease.
Publicação: Int J Neurosci 1999 Mar;97(1-2):139-45
Autor(es): Sandyk R
: : Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation activates specific regions in rat brain.
Publicação: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1998 Dec 22;95(26):15635-40
Autor(es): Ji RR; Schlaepfer TE; Aizenman CD; Epstein CM; Qiu D; Huang JC; Rupp F
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression [editorial]
Publicação: Br J Psychiatry 1998 Dec;173:449-52
Autor(es): Reid PD; Shajahan PM; Glabus MF; Ebmeier KP
: : High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation delays rapid eye movement sleep.
Publicação: Neuroreport 1998 Oct 26;9(15):3439-43
Autor(es): Cohrs S; Tergau F; Riech S; Kastner S; Paulus W; Ziemann U; Ruther E; Hajak G
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation induces alterations in brain monoamines.
Publicação: J Neural Transm 1997;104(2-3):191-7
Autor(es): Ben-Shachar D; Belmaker RH; Grisaru N; Klein E
: : High frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation mimics the effects of ECS in upregulating astroglial gene expression in the murine CNS.
Publicação: Brain Res Mol Brain Res 1997 Mar;44(2):301-8
Autor(es): Fujiki M; Steward O
: : Preliminary comparison of behavioral and biochemical effects of chronic transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroconvulsive shock in the rat.
Publicação: Biol Psychiatry 1997 Nov 15;42(10):920-4
Autor(es): Zyss T; Gorka Z; Kowalska M; Vetulani J
: : The lack of dopaminergic effects on the motor responses produced by magnetic cortical stimulation in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Publicação: Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 1996 Oct-Nov;36(7):433-7
Autor(es): Nakashima K; Wang Y; Shimoda M; Sakuma K; Takahashi K
: : Transcranial magnetic stimulation: a neuropsychiatric tool for the 21st century.
Publicação: J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 1996 Fall;8(4):373-82
Autor(es): George MS; Wassermann EM; Post RM
: : Shortened silent period produced by magnetic cortical stimulation in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Publicação: J Neurol Sci 1995 Jun;130(2):209-14
Autor(es): Nakashima K; Wang Y; Shimoda M; Sakuma K; Takahashi K
: : Shortened silent period produced by magnetic cortical stimulation in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Publicação: J Neurol Sci 1995 Jun;130(2):209-14
Autor(es): Nakashima K; Wang Y; Shimoda M; Sakuma K; Takahashi K
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