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terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010

Hearing aid you wear on your tooth

Hearing aid you wear on your tooth
Cory Doctorow on February 1, 2010 10:17 PM
Here's a new (unreleased) hearing aid that you wear over a back molar. It uses a wireless mic behind your ear to transmit sound to the tooth-unit, which then retransmits the sound through bone conduction -- without having to drill pins into your skull or surgically embed hardware, which is then hard to upgrade when the field advances.

SoundBite detects noise using a microphone placed in the ear connected to a transmitter in a behind-the-ear (BTE) device. The BTE transmits to an in-the-mouth (ITM) device that sends small sound waves through the jaw to the cochlea. There is no surgery needed, and both the BTE and ITM are easily removed to be charged inductively. Sonitus Medical is still preparing the SoundBite for eventual FDA trials for single sided, and (eventually) other forms of deafness.

vejam mais no site boing boing, em : http://boingboing.net/
New Hearing Aid Uses Your Tooth To Transmit Sound (via JWZ)

Um comentário:

  1. oi Sergio,
    Boa tarde.
    Gostaria de entrar em contato com você. Sou produtora do Programa Especial, que vai ao ar pela TV Brasil e retrata a inclusão social das pessoas com deficiência. Você ainda dá aulas esportivas para pessoas com síndrome de DOwn?
    Gostaria de conversar com você para fazermos uma reportagem!
    Entra em contato comigo pelo producao@noarcom.com.br ou 21 2524-2832.
    Obrigada, Júlia
